Sunday, January 8, 2023

"Riverside Tales" Mural off of University Ave.

In the alley between Imperial Hardware Lofts and DragonMarsh (3643 University Ave., Riverside) is an interconnected series of pictures entitled, "Riverside Tales".  As described in a Press Enterprise article written by Frances J. Vasquez, the integrated mural "by Pável Acevedo, F.C. Aragon, and Carlos Castro honors the Harada family legacy and numerous multicultural civil rights luminaries. Guest artists included Maurice Howard, Inland Mujeres, Darren Villegas, and others. The magnificent mural graces an alley on University Avenue near Orange Street. Acevedo immortalized his daughter Pilar as the goddess Calafia holding her staff." Some of these artists can be found on Instagram @pavel_acevedo, @artecarloscastro, @mauricehoward1951, @zufos_ and @darren.vs.drama.  According to an Instagram post by the artist, the animal in the last photo is his depiction of a Philippine ghost carabao with elements of water energy and spirit.  The painting is dedicated to the migrant journey, the leaving of everything behind, the venture into the unknown for work and stability.

1 comment:

  1. I still can't figure out the levitation, dissected goat. But glad to get details on the rest!
