A series of murals paying tribute to historic and modern individuals who have made, or who continue to make, significant contributions to Riverside, was painted on a small building at 3735 14th Street, Riverside. The individuals highlighted include Bobby Bonds, the Hard family, John Tortes Meyers, Thomas Phan, NinfaDelgado, Monica Hunter, Deborah Deas (Dean of the School of Medicine at UC Riverside), Gabriel Maldonado, Ismael Villegas, Cheryl Miller, Nice (the first African American girl brought to Riverside) and Mack Charles Parker. The first mural was the focus of a few news releases such as these from Inside UCR and Cision PR Newswire. The murals were created by a group of muralists including @rondeezyyyy, @exoskeletal27, @leilaa.creates, @darren.vs.drama, @division9gallery, @mariahgreenarts, @bendinocamillo and Christine White. The mural photos below were taken in January 2021. Unfortunately the building has since been painted over. Only the portrait of Nicey remains which is on the nearby liquor store building A January 2023 photo of one wall of the painted-over building where the first mural was located is shown. These photos remain as one of only a few publicly available records of these earlier murals.