Saturday, July 1, 2023

Press Enterprise Article on the Murals and Arts Blog

Recently I had the good fortune of working with the Press Enterprise newspaper reporter Sarah Hofmann and photographer Terry Pierson, who wrote an article about this blog. I met them down by the Magnolia Center and had an enjoyable time talking to them and having photos taken of me with some of the murals I've written about.

Here is a link to the article. After it was published, I took screen shots of some of Terry's photos and have posted them below with links to the related blog posts.


This photo by Terry Pierson shows me (David Eastmond) holding a smart phone with an image of the Greetings from Riverside mural by Mano Mirande. I am standing in front of the Riverside Central Dining Center mural by Cloe Shadee Hakakian. 

This photo by Terry Pierson shows me in front of the Riverside Love Letter mural by Ekaterina Orlovie. There are other pictures of this mural in the article. 

This photo by Terry Pierson is one of two in the article that show me riding my bike in front of the Casa Blanca mural by lead artist Juan Navarro. 

This photo by Terry Pierson shows me taking a picture of the Brockton Arcade in 1956 mural by Christine Curry. There is another photo of this mural as well.   

This photo is one of two by Terry Pierson in the article showing this Historic Brockton Avenue mural by Christine Curry.  

This photo by Terry Pierson is of the Buscando el Lado Soleado (Looking for the Sunny Side) mural by Geoff Gouveia. 

Links to the other murals shown in the article are below.

Hope you enjoy the photos and posts.  The locations have been geo-tagged on the blog so they should be easy to find if you want to see them in person. To those new to the blog, all of the posts to date are listed in the frame to the right under the month that they were posted.  In addition, the posts have been labeled by location, type of art, etc. By clicking on the post name or the label, one can go to the mural or work of art of interest.  

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