Sunday, July 23, 2023

"Descanso par el Cansad" meaning "Rest for the Weary" Mural

The wall to the east of Ahumada's Market (7614 Evans St, Riverside) has been painted with a deep blue mural showing a light blue man with a staff crossing the river with a child on his shoulder.  To the right are the Spanish words "Descanso par el Cansad" which means "Rest for the Weary".  As the muralist Geoff Gouveia @geoffgouveia explains, "I painted the legend of St. Christopher crossing the river. The child asks St. Christopher to be carried across the river and St. Christopher obliges. While carrying the child, he grows quite heavy and St. Christopher struggles to get him across. When St. Christopher asks the child why he became heavy, the child revealed he was Jesus carrying the weight of the world. It’s a reversal - the “strong” man carrying the child is actually the one being carried. Hence why we painted “Rest for the Weary” in Spanish (to better sympathize with the local population in the area of the mural.)..." Additional information can be found on Gouveia's Instagram post.  

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