Monday, August 12, 2024

Fine Vine Sculpture in UC Riverside Botanic Gardens

An attractive new sculpture by local artist and UCR alumnus Frank Heyming has been installed in the UCR Botanic Gardens (1 Botanic Gardens Dr, Riverside, CA).  It is entitled "Fine Vine" and is located between the Herbal Garden and the Native American Garden on the upper developed portion of the Botanic Gardens.  An article about the sculpture and the artist can be found on the Inside UCR website

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Additional Martin Luther King Jr. High School Murals

Two additional new murals have been painted within the past year or so on the backside of Martin Luther King Jr. High School (9301 Wood Rd, Riverside, CA).  One is on the front of an out building and the other is on the back of one of the main school buildings. I believe that the one with the running wolves was funded by one of the recent graduating classes.  The murals are unsigned but were likely painted by the artists at Murals for Schools led by lead artist Tom Seibert @muralsforschools

Saturday, August 3, 2024

War Dog Memorial Park Silhouettes

The new War Dog Memorial Park at 16400 Barton Street in Riverside has two large enclosed areas where dogs can freely play.  The fences of each of these enclosures are decorated with silhouettes of different types of dogs.  The artists of the silhouettes are unknown.  I might mention that surrounding the enclosed play areas are approximately 8-10 tableaus briefly describing the role of dogs in the U.S. conflicts over the past 120 or so years.