Saturday, December 28, 2024

New Bryant Elementary School Murals

Bryant Elementary School also known as the Bryant School of Arts and Innovation (4324 3rd St, Riverside, CA) has recently been painted which unfortunately included painting over their old murals.  It looks like innovation won out over art.  They now have a couple of new murals as shown below.  The artist is unknown.  

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Ruff House Pet Resort Mural

An attractive dog-themed mural has been painted on the out building flanking the parking lot of the Ruff House Pet Resort (3035 Chicago Ave, Riverside, CA).  The mural was painted by Allison Brown of CAB Studios @allison.brownart. As described on one of her Instagram posts, the mural features "Sherman, a beautiful Blonde Bloodhound and National Dog Show winner". 

Monday, December 23, 2024

RCC Evans Park Sports Murals

Two modular buildings at Riverside City College's Evans Park (between Magnolia and Brockton) have been painted with similar murals - one for baseball and one for softball. Both show the school name and its mascot, the tiger.  The artist is unknown.  The murals are most easily reached from Tequesquite Ave. near the entrance to the parking lot for Raincross Urgent Care (4646 Brockton Ave Ste 101, Riverside, CA). 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Floral Electrical Box on Magnolia Avenue

An additional electrical box on Magnolia Ave. (4701 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA) on the corner near Central Middle School has recently been painted with attractive floral motif.  The artist was Ekaterina Orlovie @orlovie.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Urban DRIPP Donut Bar Murals

The Urban DRIPP donut bar and coffee shop (3750 University Ave. #175, Riverside) has an attractive donut bar mural on its facade and side. During a recent trip downtown (Dec. 13, 2024), the murals appear to have been refreshed. Photos of the new murals are shown with a photo of the earlier mural at the bottom. The earlier murals were signed Sevesigns 79 or possibly Stevesigns 79. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Buenos Dias Cafe Murals

 The new Buenos Dias Cafe (2790 14th St, Riverside, CA) sports a series of attractive murals featuring coffee, hummingbirds, flowers and a picture of the Mexican artist and icon Frida Kalo.  One of the murals is signed Alponso A. and Alex and provides their telephone numbers. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Cheech Marin Statue Outside of the Cheech Museum of Chicano Art

A statue of Cheech Marin entitled "Meet me at the Cheech" has recently been erected at the entrance of the Cheech Marin Center of Chicano Art and Culture (3581 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA).  The statue recognizes the dedication of Cheech Marin to promoting and uplifting Chicano Art.  The sculptor was Ignacio Gomez.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Taco Station Mural

A new mural has been painted on the east side of the Taco Station restaurant (4088 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA) downtown.  They replaced two earlier murals that had been obscured for several years by portable toilets.  The murals show the restaurant and gas station in its early days and are flanked by images of Riverside landmarks and symbols. The artist of the new murals is unidentified.  

Friday, December 6, 2024

Tuxies 9-11 Remembrance Mural

 On the south side of Tuxies Juices restaurant (6030 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA) is a mural of an American flag. Next to the flag are the words "Never to be forgotten September 11, 2001".  The artist is unidentified.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Northside Apartment Complex Mural

An attractive mural has been painted on a west-facing wall of a new apartment complex (currently under construction) in the Northside area of Riverside.  The entrance leading to the mural is located across the street from Fremont Elementary School (about 1756 Orange Street, Riverside).  The mural is unsigned but it is my understanding that it was painted by Juan Navarro @luvmonsterz.  

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Raising Canes Murals and Art

The new Raising Canes restaurant at the intersection of Magnolia and Brockton (11066 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA) has a nice mural and some other artwork. Most contain some elements that are specific for Riverside.  Most also feature the picture of Cane, the owner's dog at the time when he opened his first restaurant, and which inspired the restaurant's name.  The first mural is unsigned but was aspirated by Juan Navarro @luvmonsterz and Ekaterina Orlovie @orlovie.  It is my understanding that the mural features lemons and lemon flowers in recognition of Riverside's citrus heritage and the lemonade served in the restaurant.  

Friday, November 29, 2024

Holiday Decorations at Tio's Tacos

In front of Tio's Tacos restaurant (3948 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside) are a series of folk art sculptures and other decorations for the Christmas holidays.  These are made from re-purposed waste cans, bottles and other materials from the restaurant.  Martin Sanchez is the restaurant owner and presumably the artist who made the sculptures.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Riverside Sister City Direction Signs

In front of White Park (3901 Market St., Riverside, CA) in Downtown Riverside is a series of signs showing the direction of Riverside's sister cities throughout the world.  The name of the cities, the countries in which they are located and their distances from Riverside are also shown.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Armory Mural at Fairmount Park

The middle of the southwest-facing wall of the Armory (2501 Fairmount Blvd, Riverside, CA) at Fairmount Park has recently been painted with an attractive floral mural by Riverside artist Ekatrina Orlovie (@orlovie on Instagram).